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The Museum of the histories of Corcubion

is a project that aims at recuperating the secrets of the past that remain in people’s hands. In this case, the people of a place called Villa de Corcubion, and of its closest context, the land of Costa de la Muerte.


The singularity of this Museum is that it always remains latent in the village only appearing when histories are told within the time of a walk. The walks make the museum operative while the village becomes the space of resonance of the voices of its people.


In order to visit the Museum you need to make a reservation of a walk. See options for curated walks here.

Galicia, according to Emilia Pardo Bazán, is extremely rich in popular traditions but poor in written chronicles. The secrets of its past lay in hands of its people. Collecting and preserving them is a collective work that should be realized in multiple forms.

Situating the histories of Corcubion as the core of this project the Museum is organized by attending the specific tasks of this discipline:


1. Investigation and recuperation: There is dedication to searching fragments of stories, images and objects that have been passed on from mouth to mouth and from hand to hand. These are afterwards sewn with dispersed scraps of scientific sources. To this end, I capture the histories of the people when told by themselves, as well as the material and immaterial traces, expressed in buildings, streets and symbols. All of them are put to dialog with sources delivered by researchers of specific knowledge and disciplines as they are those of History, Anthropology, Sociology, Archeology, Literature, the Arts, etc.

2. Conservation and giving value to: Assuming that some of these sources can not be verified, the walks are designed  carefully  in order to give sense to the polyphony of the gathered materials. Walks are then offered to the public who want to visit the museum. For a long time and in many places, the voice of the word has been the most popular, and in some cases also the only way, to keep and pass on memory.

This Museum is an artistic and curatorial project developed by Maria Bella.

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